The Hunt for the Cheshire Cat

By Louisa Downs • March 15, 2022

Following the success of last year’s Immersive Moriarty game i decided to try another adventure from in the hidden city, so on the 15th of June three teams of Guvnors joined myself and The Cheshire Cat on an adventure into the strange, surreal and absurd to uncover a dark conspiracy at the heart of Wonderland.

We deciphered clues, communicated with characters, solved physical puzzles, and made choices that would affect our path by joining a 4-hour immersive adventure across central London.

The journey began at The Coal Hole on the strand where we received the first of many riddles to start our game and then we were off for an evening filled with fun, sun and mind-boggling puzzles to solve.

We went over ground, underground, animal spotting and adventure seeking and had a whole lot of laughs along the way. I won’t give too much away in case people wish to play the game themselves at a later date but you can check it out here I would thoroughly recommend it!

Keep an eye out for news on next years game The Enchanted Mirror which is the final game from this series.

Guvnor Louisa Downs


